《膽小情人》 EP | Apprehensive Lover EP Compact Disc
膽小情人 EP includes a total of 4 originals by Tingzhi Hz
1) 暫停 The Third Day
2) 膽小情人 Apprehensive Lover3) 趕緊哭吧 Goodbye Mary
4) 假面目 Masker
專輯想要傳達的訊息是,有時想哭真的沒關係,難過真的沒關係,生氣真的沒關係。It is okay to not feel okay! 亭之從母親那裡得到滿滿的正能量,她希望用音樂陪著大家,度過你的難過,度過你的寂寞,度過你的 not okay! 用音乐温暖这世界。
2020年1月 | January 2020
#tingzhihz #黃亭之
購買專輯,請電郵至 contact@huangtingzhi.com
Pls. email [Buy EP] to contact@huangtingzhi.com
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Email contact@huangtingzhi.com if you have any question.
如有任何疑問,可以電郵至 contact@huangtingzhi.com
膽小情人 EP Album includes a total of 4 originals by TingZhi.
1) 暫停 The Third Day
2) 膽小情人 Apprehensive Lover
3) 趕緊哭吧 Goodbye Mary
4) 假面目 Masker
Email contact@huangtingzhi.com if you have any question. 如有任何疑問,可以電郵至 contact@huangtingzhi.comGet yours now
All items sold are not returnabe/ refundable.
Email contact@huangtingzhi.com if you have any question. 如有任何疑問,可以電郵至 contact@huangtingzhi.comSHIPPING INFO
Price includes of shipping within Singapore only. Do allow for 3-5 working days for shipment to arrive. Please contact me for more information if you are located outside of Singapore (additional charges may apply)
Email contact@huangtingzhi.com if you have any question.
如有任何疑問,可以電郵至 contact@huangtingzhi.comPAYMENT METHODS
Singapore: Paynow, PayLah!, Google Pay, Bank Transfer, PayPal
Oversea: PayPal
Email contact@huangtingzhi.com if you have any question. 如有任何疑問,可以電郵至 contact@huangtingzhi.com